WHO Global Ministerial Conference
Ending TB in the Sustainable Development Era: A Multisectoral Response
Please join us for a side meeting: “Ending TB by 2035: Our promise to our people”
Organized and co-hosted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and the Global Coalition Against TB
Friday, November 17, 20178:00 am to 9.30 am
Conference Hall Neva, World Trade Centre Office
The meeting will allow participating High Burden Countries to share experiences and foster cooperation on monitoring progress toward implementing the Moscow Declaration. Speakers will also highlight achievements of India’s TB program in providing universal access to TB care. The meeting agenda will cover:
- Strategies for ensuring Universal Access to TB care
- Research and Development
- Mechanisms to improve domestic funding for TB elimination
- Role of elected representatives in ending TB
Speakers will include:
- Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of World Health Organization (tbc)
- Dr. Veronika Skvortsova, Hon’ble Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (tbc)
- Mr. JP Nadda, Hon’ble Minister Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
- Ms. Preeti Sudan, Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
- Dr. Hendrik Bekedam, India Country Representative, World Health Organization
- Mr. Dalbir Singh, President, Global Coalition Against TB
- Representatives of the Government/ Ministry of Health of participating countries including any of the following: Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Peru, Papua New Guinea, Uzbekistan (tbc)
- Members of the Global Coalition Against TB
For more information, please contact info@globalcoalitionagainsttb.org